Fire Insurance

A business has many moving parts - dynamics which can result in loss due to fire. A faulty cabling/electrical malfunction, inflammable kitchen cleaners, careless employees forgetting to stub beedis and cigarettes, chemicals which at times spontaneously catch fire and the list can be endless. While running a business, our focus continues to be maximising opportunities and managing customers & cashflows, often losses come at the most unexpected times.
Usually the policy covers the following:
- Plant, Machinery & Accessories
- Stocks & stock in progress - in office, warehouse, godown
- Furniture & fixtures, computers and other contents
- Building
Fire Insurance & Special Perils Policy Provides Coverage For
- Fire
- Riots, Strikes & Malicious Damage
- Floods, Inundation, Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado
- Landslide, Rockslide, Subsidence
- Bursting and/or Overflowing Water tanks, Apparatus & Pipes
- Explosion/Implosion
- Impact Damage