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Recovering claim from more than 1 policy for maternity charges

QuestionsCategory: Group Health InsuranceRecovering claim from more than 1 policy for maternity charges
default avatarPlan Cover Staff asked 2 years ago
1 Answers

Best Answer

default avatarSrinivasan Mahadevan answered 2 years ago
If one has 2 policies where both have maternity Coverage then partial Cllaims are possible. Atthe time of hospotalisation in case the bill is 1 lakh and the maternity coverage is limited to Rs. 50 000, then the balance 50,000 can be claimes as reimbursement from the second Policy. In Partial Claims, Intimations are not mandatory. Proof of payment (Recipt) for balance amount for which reimbursement is being Claimed is required in Original. Therefore Insured needs to take proof of payment of the balance amount to the Hospital which was paid to him by Cash. The second Claim will be processed only after the settlement of the first Claim. Settlement letter from the First Insurer is essential to claim from the second Insurer.